Battle cry:

Al Ha Dvash v 'Al Ha Oketz

Al haMishmar

Ad haKetz haMar

על הדבש ועל העוקץ

על המשמר

עד הקץ המר


Dvordvash (sounds like Dvorak)

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Hi David. I'm a hobby beekeeper in the Pacific Northwest (PNW); just two hives. I appreciated your beekeeping vid during oncoming rockets. Love to visit your apiary and lend a hand - alas, too far.

I'll refrain from the icon naming as I think it should be a Hebrew name, which I don't know. It's a great icon, appropriately geared up for northern Israeli beekeeping.

Early Shabbat Shalom.

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Thx for your note! I'll be posting something about trending or beehives this morning after the Hezbollah barrage earlier, and the IDF airstrikes.

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Buzzy Stinger

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